SAINTS PETER AND JOHN PARISH was a concept of Rev. Fr. Clemente Lopez, a priest from the Viconeta Chapel, the same chapel that served as the temporary site in 1963. He realized the need for a permanent church structure, as he negotiated for the acquisition of the new parish site with the Aranetas, who donated the steel structure of the church. The acquisition, though, was made possible through the Archbishop of Manila, His Eminence Rufino J. Cardinal Santos on August 1963. Don Salvador Araneta, given the pleasure of designating the parish, named it on the honor of the noble and modest Saint Peter, who represents the elderly, and of the brave and profound Saint John, who represents the youth.

The temporary transfer of the parish to the Sacred Heart Chapel in the Morning Breeze Subdivision saw the coming of a new parish priest in the person of Rev. Fr. Severino Pelayo, who introduced several parish organizations such as the Mother Butler’s Guild, and the Adoration Nocturna. He was also responsible for the partial flooring and roofing of the parish church. Fr. Severino Pelayo was later on replaced by Rev. Fr. Romeo Pelayo, then by Rev. Fr. Antonio Q. Benedicto, who completed the construction of the church. He built the Cursillo House and changed the Sacred Heart Chapel to a Rectory. He also organized the Saints Peter and John Choir and the first Lay Ministers of the Holy Communion.

Other priests, such as Rev. Fr. Eduardo Cruz, who succeeded Fr. Benedicto; Rev. Fr. Aloysius Aliño who spearheaded the renovation of the church and the creation of the Adoration Chapel and of the Reconciliation room, have helped the Saints Peter and John Parish to be what it is today.

In July 1999, Rev. Fr. Leandro Magnait was appointed as the new parish priest. Despite being a neophyte, he took the challenge of winning the hearts of the people by merging the bridges between God and man through vigorous partaking in each aspect of the church. He continues to shepherd the flock of the Saints Peter and John Parish in each sea that the church of God sails.

Saint Peter
Saint Peter, one of the apostles of Jesus Christ, is also considered as the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church. He was the builder of the early community in Christ, which suffered persecution from the hands of several Roman Emperors.

Peter was the son of John, whose brother Andrew was another apostle of Jesus. They were living through fishing, in the village of Bethsaida, on the province of Galilee. It was during their search in the seas that Jesus had called them to accompany Him and be “fishers of men”.

He was one of the closest followers of Jesus, having one of the only three to see Jesus’ transfiguration, as he was also assigned to be “petros”, which his name came from, on which the church should be built.

He traveled from Antioch unto several places such as Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia Minor and Bithynia, preaching the words of God. He also went to Rome, where he died in the hands of Emperor Nero by being crucified upside down. Several books are also attributed to him, such as the epistles, and the Gospel of Mark, as Mark was his disciple and interpreter.

Although Peter is famous for his denial of Jesus at the time that their the Lord was under trial, Peter goes down in Catholic teaching as a man of faith and determination, exhibited in his missions, endeavors, and even in his death. Saint Peter, even at the point of his death, chose to be crucified upside down because he feels that he does not deserve to be punished in the same way that his Master did.

In the same manner, the parishioners of Saints Peter and John Parish are called to be faithful and brave in the face of difficulties. It is also in the same manner that, men are called to be the builders of Christ’s Church, and the destroyers of the gates of Hades.

Saint John
Saint John is known to Christians as the “Beloved Apostle”, who wrote the fourth canonical gospel, a series of epistles, and the book of Revelation. He is the brother of Saint James the Greater, who at the same time is an apostle of Jesus Christ. Along with Saint Peter, Saints James and John were the only apostles to witness Jesus’ transfiguration, the raising from the dead of Jairus’ daughter, and Jesus’ agony in Gethsemane. Saint John is often attributed to an eagle, because of his high amount of reasoning and philosophy in his writings.

Saint John is also the same apostle on to whom Jesus Christ entrusted her mother at the foot of the cross. In his ministry, he is recognized to be a theologian, as he wrote his New Testament books with lofty thoughts. Having received illumination from the Lord Himself, he is credited for the only apocalyptical writing that the Roman Catholic Church has recognized.

In writing the fourth Gospel, Saint John reveals himself as “apostle whom Christ loves”, having rested his head on the Lord’s chest during the last supper. The real meaning of his writings, because of its grammatical and symbolical supremacy, is still under debate.

Saint John’s feast day falls on December 27.

Funeral Masses – by Appointment

Regular Baptism – every Sunday at 11:00 AM
Special Baptism (by Appointment) – every Saturday at 10:00 AM

Every Fiesta

By Appointment

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    Saints Peter and John Parish

    Established: August 9, 1963
    Fiesta Day: Saint Peter – June 28/ Saint John – December 27
    Address: 34 Orange Road, Potrero, Malabon City
    Parish Priest/Rector: Rev. Fr. Rey O. Amante

    Sts Peter & John